![]() UK Postcode to PostCode Distance Calculator
| Postcode.org.uk |
| Distance Calculator |
| List of Postcodes |
| Postcode Software |
| Road Mileage Calculator |
| Free Distance Calculator | | Free Postcode Data | | Distances Between Postcodes | | Contact Us | Enter a UK postcode in each of the postcode boxes below and click the 'Calculate Distance' button. The PostCode to PostCode Distance Calculator will calaculate the approx distance between the two postcodes you entered. The distance between the postcodes will be shown in kilometres (km) and miles. Note that the distance that is calculated is measured 'as the crow flies' between the two postcodes but an approximate 'distance by road' between the postcodes is also calculated. If you have any comments or suggestions about our Online PostCode to Postcode Distance Calculator (or need similar functionality on your website) then please contact postcode.org.uk.
| Postcode.org.uk |
| Distance Calculator |
| List of Postcodes |
| Postcode Software |
| Road Mileage Calculator |
| Free Distance Calculator | | Free Postcode Data | | Distances Between Postcodes | | Contact Us | Clicking either of the hyperlinked postcodes will take you to the full table of distances from that post code to all postcodes in the UK! From the full table you can then sort by distance so you can easily determine which postcodes are within a certain range / circle of your target postcode.
If the free distance calculator script does not meet your needs and you want a bespoke distance calculator solution for your website or software then just let us know as this is what we do - we can do all the web development / coding work for you or if you can do this yourself then we can supply you with a cost-effective and very easy to use distance calculator API. In essence the distance calculator web service takes a pair of postcodes and returns the distance between them as simple XML that can easily be parsed and used in distance calculators on websites or in software applications. Alternatively, we can also provide the postcode distance data as a CSV download (at the outcode level) so you can easily populate your SQL database with the postcode distances e.g. for MSSQL or MySQL powered distance calculators. When enquiring please state whether you would like the distance units to be in miles or km and whether you would like the distances to be measured as the crow flies or approx distance by road i.e. the dirving distance. Page Last Updated: 8th December 2011
Own a Transport website / Logistics Directory - why not link to postcode.org.uk? Alternatively you can view a list of all UK postcodes and use that as your postcode lookup starting point. If so please be patient waiting for the postcodes as there are nearly 3,000 different postcodes in the database. UPDATE: we've removed about 20% of the postcode data as people were abusing our free service and scraping the content. |
What can PostCode.org.uk do for me? postcode data for your marketing campaigns... PAF data... point to point postcode to postcode distance data in miles and km... journey cost calculators... courier job cost calculators.... approx road mileage data between sets of postcodes... missing gaps of postcode data / distance data in your databases and spreadsheets filled in for you... use our postcode distance data for 'where is my nearest' functionality... use our distance data to tell your customers how far they are from you... If you are a developer you are free to just buy the postcode data and code the postcode / distance functionality yourself... or if you are an end-user you can use us to develop the functionality for you whatever it is, whether it's something for your existing website or a special application for use by people in your organisation we will provide you with a fast and professional service and cost effective solutions to your postcode, distance and cost calculating requirements. Contact PostCode.org.uk now... |