![]() Free Postcode to PostCode Distance Calculator for Your Website!!
| Postcode.org.uk |
| Distance Calculator |
| List of Postcodes |
| Postcode Software |
| Road Mileage Calculator |
| Free Distance Calculator | | Free Postcode Data | | Distances Between Postcodes | | Contact Us | OK, so you have a neat website and you want to make it a bit more useful to your visitors / customers by including a postcode to postcode distance calculator, but... you don't have the budget, time and / or inclination to do this so you want a totally free, quick and easy gizmo / widgety type of thing to integrate into your website that does all the clever stuff for you - is that right? If it is then you have come to the right place, simply copy the text in the box below and paste it into your webpage and you will have the postcode to postcode distance calculation functionality as displayed below on the right - it really is THAT easy! This is a totally free postcode mileage calculation service and you will not be charged for including this on your website. Should you want to thank me for providing this service then why not do one or more of the following:
| Postcode.org.uk |
| Distance Calculator |
| List of Postcodes |
| Postcode Software |
| Road Mileage Calculator |
| Free Distance Calculator | | Free Postcode Data | | Distances Between Postcodes | | Contact Us | If you have any suggestions or comments then please contact me using the PostCode.org.uk Contact Form. Note that all calculated postcode to postcode distances and mileage figures are approximate and we are not responsible for the accuracy or otherwise of the info that is provided here. If you spot a postcode that is missing then please let me know so I can look into it. Page last updated: 22nd September 2012 |
What can PostCode.org.uk do for me? postcode data for your marketing campaigns... PAF data... point to point postcode to postcode distance data in miles and km... journey cost calculators... courier job cost calculators.... approx road mileage data between sets of postcodes... missing gaps of postcode data / distance data in your databases and spreadsheets filled in for you... use our postcode distance data for 'where is my nearest' functionality... use our distance data to tell your customers how far they are from you... If you are a developer you are free to just buy the postcode data and code the postcode / distance functionality yourself... or if you are an end-user you can use us to develop the functionality for you whatever it is, whether it's something for your existing website or a special application for use by people in your organisation we will provide you with a fast and professional service and cost effective solutions to your postcode, distance and cost calculating requirements. Contact PostCode.org.uk now... |